Joey Barton gives motivational speeches to children at Rossall and Fleetwood High School

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Fleetwood Town head coach Joey Barton took time away from the sideline to give a prep talk to pupils at two schools about his life, the ups and downs, and how he has always looked to improve on a day to day basis.

Joey spoke to 250 students about his career and his new role as Fleetwood Town’s head coach and how he has adapted to life on the Fylde Coast. He also took part in a question and answer session, where he was tested by the students from the seating.

An hour later, it was a two minutes journey down to Rossall, where over 400 people from students, teachers and parents attended.

Joey started off by talking about how he became a footballer through hard work and dedication, with those in the school chapel engaged with every word that came out of Barton’s mouth.

The 36-year-old spoke in depth about his ups and his downs, and how he has used those times to become a better person, and how he has used it to his advantage to give people around him the advice they need.

The pupils, just like at Fleetwood High, were then given the chance to asked Joey questions about his life and his playing career in football. He gave honest answers to all the students and left a very good impression as the talk came to a close.

We’d like to thank both Fleetwood and Rossall for their hospitality on Thursday afternoon. 

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