Adult Health & Wellbeing

At Fleetwood Town Community Trust, we are dedicated to enhancing the health and wellbeing of our community through engaging programs, and creating a safe space for all to come together in the efforts of improving your health and fitness. 
We offer a variety of programs aimed at getting you moving more, whilst getting out and having a good time doing something you enjoy! You will be surrounded by like-minded individuals who are looking to improve their health and start making healthier lifestyle changes. 
Our programs also focus strongly on the social aspect of sessions, tackling social isolation! Through our years of delivering our programs, we have created a unique community of individuals who have been able to proudly give testimonials on how they have benefited from leaving the house and moving more.
Weight Management sessions will be coming soon, where you will not only engage in practical sessions enhancing your health and fitness, but also learn about nutrition and how you can make simple changes that will help you lose weight as well as becoming healthier.
Our programs don’t just include general fitness sessions, we deliver a range of variety that suits all abilities. 
For more information or any questions please email:

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