Community Trust continues to work closely with local nurseries and pre-schools

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Fleetwood Town Community Trust are now working closely with a number of nurseries across Wyre and Fylde to help develop the children develop with their fundamental skills.

The Trust deliver sessions in 25 local nurseries and pre-schools in Fleetwood, Wyre and Fylde and have close communication with the staff to grow and build on their Early Years programme.

During our sessions, our members of staff put on fun and engaging football sessions, along with multi-skills and yoga lesson which all help massively with a child’s fundamental and development skills.

With this also comes communications skills, and helping those children become more comfortable talking to their peers, teachers and also their family outside of their learning environment.

If you would like to know more about our Early Years programme and what we deliver, please email, or call the Community Trust on  01253 208442.

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