Year 6 Transition Tournament Success!

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Fleetwood Town Community Trust delivered their annual Transition Tournament event on Thursday 23rd May to support Year 6 children transitioning to secondary school in September, alongside the Headstart Programme!

The HeadStart programme aims to deliver 1-2-1 support and class workshops to Year 6 and Year 7 children across Fleetwood to provide an early intervention and prevention service surrounding mental health. The aim being to focus on their transition to secondary school to ensure they have an awareness of self-management and coping strategies as they experience this new change in their lives. Thus, this Transition Tournament event was created last year to ease specific worries in relation to their transition such as meeting new people and building resilience and social skills. Seven primary schools across Fleetwood attended on the day (St Wulstan’s and St Edmund’s Catholic Primary School, Larkholme Primary School, Charles Saer Primary School, St Mary’s Catholic Primary School, Chaucer Primary School Flakefleet Primary School, Shakespeare) with 8 children in their Year 6 classes selected that would benefit from team building activities and meeting new people ahead of the transition.

The uniqueness of this event is that children were placed in mixed teams across the seven schools based on which Fleetwood secondary school they will be attending in September (Cardinal Allen High School or Fleetwood High School). This aimed to provide children with the opportunity to meet new people, improve their communication skills and allow friendships to be build prior to their transition. Additionally, we were lucky to have four Year 7s from Fleetwood High to act as a ‘Team Captain’ for each of the Fleetwood High teams. These Year 7s were able to talk to the Year 6s about their transition, discuss their own experience and generally ease worries further. This also created coaching and confidence building opportunities for the Year 7s as they were able to motivate and make decisions for the team throughout the day.

Our very own Sport College Students supported the day by planning, creating and delivering their own sessions for each game (Football, Dodgeball, Rounders and Teambuilding) as well as a 20 minute warm up game with ice breaker activities for each team. Each team also had a BTEC student chaperoning them to support the day and have a mentor if they needed any assistance. This allowed the school staff to take a step back from the day which only further supported the children gaining more confidence as they were not relying on their teachers for encouragement but pushed themselves out of their comfort zone.




The Transition Tournament was a huge success with some fantastic feedback reported back about the day and how beneficial it has been to these Year 6s to support with their transition to secondary school. Please read below some quotes from all those involved with the day:

Rachel Walker, Mental Health Transformation Officer and Organiser of the Day:

“The Tournament again was another huge success and a fantastic day for those children I have been working closely with that may need some additional support ahead of their transition. I am incredibly proud of all the children involved as these typically are children who may not engage with these activities or get the opportunity to participate in these events, but they were all amazing and tried their absolute best. It is incredibly rewarding to be able to provide these children with this experience to make new friends, build their confidence and engage in fun physical activities. To see these children running round with huge smiles on their faces engaging with children from all the different schools but that will be going to their high school was really special. I hope this has eased some worries for these children who may have been anxious about meeting new people and helped them feel more confident in making this next step in their lives. Well done to all children involved!”

Ross Powell, BTEC Tutor & Degree Mentor:

“The Headstart Transition Tournament was a multi-sport event that gave Year 6s pupils the opportunity to meet fellow students and make new friends prior to their transition to high school. Despite being unlucky with the weather, the engagement from the year 6s pupils was excellent and it was clear that they had enjoyed the day. As a college tutor for the trust, it was also great to see our students involved in leading the different activities and supporting participants throughout. I would like to congratulate Rachel for organising another fantastic event that really benefits the children who take part.”

Miss Shaw, Year 6 Teacher, Flakefleet Primary School:

“Our children really enjoyed getting out of school. I heard one say this is like where the players go through the tunnel- these children don’t get picked for sporting events traditionally! Many said they had made a few friends which will have helped a lot with confidence and with their transition to high school as they will recognise these familiar faces and names.”

Miss Walsh, Transition Manager, Fleetwood High School:

“It was a great day and adapted really well from the previous year to better suit and include a wider range of children and get the older students fully involved. The organisation was excellent. It helps the Year 6 children look forward to coming to high school more as it eases worries. The Year 7 students that attended felt a sense of responsibility and enjoyed feeling helpful to the Year 6s. One of our Year 7s students said that they had been told they had been a brilliant help and that they had made a best friend!”


Mr Clarke, Year 6 Teacher, Shakespeare Primary School:

“It has been great to see the children get involved with other children from other schools. It has been great to see those boundaries broken down and reducing anxiety levels and making sure the children feel comfortable on their first day of school. It’s been great to see the number of fun activities that they have been able to get involved with and realise that actually there are many people that are feeling worried and anxious and scared about going to high school and just by doing a small challenge allows them to overcome difficulties which they can apply when they go to high school.”

Year 6 Pupil, Chaucer Primary School:

“I had the best day! I loved playing all the sports especially dodgeball as it was really competitive but funny at the same time. I made lots of new friends from different schools who I know are going to my high school in September which makes me feel less scared for my first day. I even got to speak to a Year 7 who told me about my new school!.”

Year 6 Pupil, St Mary’s Primary School:

“I loved the tournament it was so much fun! I don’t usually go to things like this, so I loved playing all the games and I feel more confident now. I made a new friend in my team and met so many new people.”

Year 6 Parent:

“My son had a great day. The sport activities and team building games encouraged him to engage with the other children more which meant he made new friends who are going to his school. Thank you for organising this for him!”

Year 6 Parent:

“My daughter absolutely loved the day and would not stop talking about it and the friends she made.”


For more information on the HeadStart programme please contact:

Rachel Walker

Or Fleetwood Town Community Trust: 01253 208442

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