Veteran’s Community Garden wins Northwest in Bloom Award

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On Wednesday 18th October three of our veterans attended the Northwest Britian in Bloom Awards at the university of Bolton stadium to collect the Your Neighbourhood Award of Thriving Level 4 for the Veterans Community Garden.

Over three hundred people were there to collect numerous awards in different categories from across the northwest.

This was an amazing achievement as the garden has only been running since June 2023. Through hard work from our veterans within the community, our gardening group has brought the area up to the award standards needed.

Tony Codling (Armed Forces Project Coordinator), Eddie Peak and Norman Lancaster are pictured proudly accepting the award.

We would like to send a big thank you to all those that are involved in the fruition of this veteran’s community garden. If you want to become involved in the garden, please come along to our gardening club on a Tuesday afternoon at 1.30pm

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