Trust launch Youth Board programme

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Fleetwood Town Community Trust are delighted to announce a new programme called, Youth Board.

Fleetwood Town ‘Youth Board’ group will meet at Poolfoot Farm on Tuesday 12th February 2019, from 6pm and will continue to meet on a monthly basis.

The first meeting will demonstrate the aims and objectives staff members at Fleetwood Town Community Trust have, along with giving the young people in attendance the opportunity to voice how they would like the project structuring.

Young people involved will:

–          Gain key project management skills.

–          Have a greater understanding of what is currently on offer in the community.

–          Be able to express their opinions and thoughts.

–          Have access to voluntary opportunities within the football club and other partnering organisations.

–          Be able to add their role and experience to their CV.

John Hartley, Community Sports Development Officer – a member of staff who is helping run the programme , is excited about the launch, and encourages people to get down and get their voices heard.

He added: “Our Youth Board will be a great experience for anybody looking to make a difference in their community. Both Michael and I will be there to support the groups ideas and suggestions, of how they feel sport can make a difference across Fleetwood and the surrounding areas.

“The Community Trust feels that young people are an integral part of the community and believe that they should be a large part towards how it is shaped moving forward.”

Those who attend will get FREE pizza and refreshments! Another reason why you turn up!

If you would like to attend Tuesday’s meeting, please contact either John Hartley or Michael Wilkinson on 01253 208442. Or alternatively email, or

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