Fleetwood Town Community Trust is proud announce the appointment of Tony Codling as the Armed Forces Project Coordinator.

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Fleetwood Town Community Trust is proud announce the appointment of Tony Codling as the Armed Forces Project Coordinator. 

Tony has an background working in the Armed Forces including being a physical training instructor and previously as the Armed Forces lead with Blackpool FC Community Trust.

Tony explained, “With my new appointment as the armed forces project coordinator at Fleetwood town community trust, I am looking forward to improving the veterans’ provisions and making a difference with the community in and around Fleetwood.

I will be looking forward to organising different areas of the programme to help and improve the armed forces community health and well-being.”

For further information regarding the community focussed projects delivered by the Trust, please contact 01253 208442 or email: community@fleetwoodtownfc.com.


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