Fleetwood Town and the Community Trust hosted an event for the ‘Show Racism the Red Card’ team on Thursday afternoon, with students from local primary school St Wulstans & St Edmunds attending.
The event started when the children arrived at Highbury Stadium and went straight up to Parkside Suite for an afternoon of activities. First of all, they were all tasked to come up with questions based around racism in sport, which they would ask goalkeeper Billy Crellin and a panel from the SRTRC team.

Soon after, the St Wulstans & St Edmunds students sat down to watch an informative video about stereotyping and how racism can affect people, no matter who they are. This was helped as the video included players like Tammy Abraham, Trent Alexander-Arnold and Gareth Southgate passing on the same message they had learned earlier on in the day.
Fleetwood’s 19-year-old goalkeeper was then introduced to the room and sat at the front of the room to answer any questions that the children may have during their educational press conference. Three children who came up with the best questions on the day received a signed t-shirt, and one special question got a signed Fleetwood Town ball.

Everyone at Fleetwood Town would like to thank the ‘Show Racism the Red Card’ team for organising and attending this brilliant event at Highbury.