Pupils from primary schools across Wyre and Fylde all made their way to Poolfoot Farm to take part in a gifted and talented event, hosted by the club’s Community Trust.

The event saw 82 children, all aged between ten and eleven-years-old, participate in a variety of activities ranging from interview techniques, team building exercises and fitness drills to give them the full professional athlete experience through the Premier League Primary Stars programme.
All of the challenges throughout the day should give the children a stepping stone in further education and potential sporting careers.
Ash Moreau, Town’s Sports Development Officer led the event that gave the gifted and talented pupils a day they’d never forget.
“The idea behind the event was to bring children from a number of schools together, who have been identified as gifted and talented within sport,” said Ash.
“The facilities here at Fleetwood are fantastic and for the children to be in classrooms and meeting rooms where professional athletes work on a daily basis, and it’s also good for them to look up to that and have ambitions.

“We wanted them to get an insight into what a professional athlete’s day to day life is like, and for us it’s important the children take the information on board and use it to get noticed in a school environment, a team setting or at an elite academy level.
“The event has been a successful one where children have been put in challenging situations, and they have all been a credit to their schools.”
Everyone at Fleetwood Town and the club’s Community Trust hope the children had a memorable day and made friends along the way.