Board of Trustees
Terms of reference
The Board of Trustees offers support and advice on promoting and progressing the work of the Community Trust. Its main focus is to manage and review the work of the partnership with an emphasis on planning and developing strategies to achieve Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s).
The Board of Trustees takes a similar role to a school’s Governing Body. It provides a strategic overview, acts as a critical friend and ensures accountability. Specifically, the group’s terms of reference state that its role is to:
- Provide strategic direction to the partnership and agree Trust priorities
- Ensure the Trust links to other plans and developments and supports local and national Government policy
- Provide guidance, advice and support to the Director of Community & Education
- Provide a sounding board for the Director of Community & Education
- Tackle issues e.g: lack of involvement and support of key stakeholders
- Promote work and raise the profile of the partnership
- Provide a financial overview
- Ensure the Director of Community & Education is both supported and accountable.
- Ensure all of the key partners have ownership of the partnership
- Evaluate the partnership’s progress and impact
- Approve and sign off the Annual return
- Explore the future substantiality of the programme
- All individuals must declare any conflict of interest that may arise which an individual, or organisation, has competing interests or loyalties

Peter Murphy
Chair of Trustees

Hugh McCaw
Deputy Chair and Equality Lead

Steve Curwood
Trustee/CEO Fleetwood Town FC

Matt Turner
Safeguarding Lead

Martin Shipway
Legal Lead

Karen Boylan
Health Lead

Paul Ronson
Finance Lead