Jorgi is a 12 year old girl living in Fleetwood who attends Fleetwood High School. In her spare time, she enjoys going out with her friends, shopping and cooking with her mum, Tina. As well as her love for animals, Jorgi also loves boxing. Jorgi first started her boxing journey at 6 years old when she attended her first Tiny Tysons session. After attending a session a week for two years, she then progressed onto the beginners classes which are for ages 10-16. As soon as she turned 11, Jorgi got her medical at England Boxing and since then, she has had two skill bouts and is preparing for her third.
Sean McGann, Jorgi’s boxing coach, had this to say on her character growth; “She was underconfident and quite shy but now her confidence is sky high and she is always wanting to improve. When she first came in, she hated sparring and now she can’t wait to spar and isn’t afraid to go against some of the boys! On top of the Tysons sessions, she now turns up to a private session every week on top of 2/3 extra classes herself and to summarise she is doing really well!”

The variety of sports that we offer are just as important as the session themselves as they offer the chance to develop a wider range of skills. Unlike team sports where success can be dependent on the performance of others, in boxing, there is no one else to rely on but yourself. This builds a sense of self-reliance, independence, and confidence that can be beneficial in all aspects of life. Participants are constantly challenged to improve and evolve their technique, strategy, and conditioning. This constant self-improvement can lead to personal growth, resilience, and a strong work ethic that can translate into other areas of life. Single person sports like boxing are invaluable in teaching individuals important life lessons, enhancing mental and physical health, and promoting a sense of self-achievement and pride. They are just as, if not more, important as team sports in shaping individuals into well-rounded, determined, and resilient individuals.
Jorgi’s other coach Drew said “She’s gone from being quiet and keeping herself to herself to being really confident”.
When it comes to Jorgi’s boxing “sparring wise, that is all she wants to do! She’s like a little whirlwind, very small, dainty and then the next minute she’s an animal. She’s getting better and better, confidence, boxing ability, everything”. He ended it by saying “She’s turning into a really lovely person”.
Jorgi’s mum, Tina, had the following to say about her growth as a person since starting Tiny Tysons; “Jorgi started off as a shy anxious little girl she used to hate to socialise but I can definitely say she’s come out of her shell over the years, her confidence is just amazing and there’s no stopping her! She has the best coaches so thank you!”
When we asked Jorgi herself about why she enjoys coming to her boxing sessions so much, she had this to say; “It’s good for fitness and I just love to box. My coaches are the best and we have lots of fun! I’ve gone from being quite shy to really coming out of my shell over the years!”
Jorgi’s journey highlights the fantastic work that Sean and his coaches are doing at the Tiny Tysons sessions and just how big of an impact they can have. These can be highlighted at all of the sessions that Try Sports offers, whether that be boxing, netball, dance, basketball or futsal. We hope that Jorgi’s story becomes an inspiration to as many young people as possible and we hope that many more lives are changed through the power of Try Sports.